Demosthenes dissects DR

Demosthenes has a lengthy analysis on Ruy and John's ongoing attempts to swallow the "Dean = McGovern" Kool Aid served chiled by the DLC. Its exactly the kind of lengthy, detailed, methodical analysis that Demosthenes is famous for, and deserves your time (and your comments). Here is Demos' conclusion:

Again, this is not to say that I support Dean, although I do believe that his fight for a full-throated, proud, and angry Democratic party is sound and necessary. The arguments presented here, however, are in my opinion weak political science... and the constant "Dean=McGovern" refrains are at times tired, lame, and tendentious. They illustrate the dangers of analysis based solely on historical comparisons- they tend to obfuscate the present through the clouded lens of the past. Sorry Ruy and John, but this time, I think you're all wet.

On an unrelated note, I've seen that same disclaimer coming from many bloggers who have recently defended Dean: "I am not a Dean supporter." That's actually healthy - and I wonder if anyone who has not yet settled on Dean could perhaps lend their perspectives as to why, in the comments?


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