Dean Nation Rally update

We are at 45% of our goal to raise $10,000 for Dean!

I've plugged the Dean Nation mini-webathon on my own blog and attracted a comment from a conservative that I'd like to share:

This is definitely the best candidate to donate funds to. After all, Bush doesn't really need the cash anymore, and this Dean fellow is such an unelectable freakshow, if my money helps him get the nomination above more sane, though no better for the country, choices, then it is money well-spent.
A dollar for Dean helps buy another round for the gun.

I found this absolutely delightful! My response:

your strategizing is brilliant! Truly you have indeed found the winning formula for the good of the country. But given that putting "unelectable" Dean at the top of the pack is so important (after all, Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh have both agreed on how essential it is), why are you being so stingy?

Come on LH. Be a Good American and a Patriotic Republican. I think you should donate at least $50 to put your money where your mouth is. Or is the promise of America's future just not worth the price to you?

Come on man. Save America!

I would also have pointed him to our Republicans for Dean bumper sticker, but I think that would have been an insult to the principled conservative Republicans who buy it out of true recognition that Dean is more fiscally conservative than Big-Government Borrow-and-Spend Bush.

There is a rare convergence of left and right rhetoric attacking Dean - but we can use it to our own ends. Encouraging Republicans to donate to Dean is a great triumph of domestic realpolitik - though, to be fair, They thought of it first.

My conservative gadfly was certainly right about one thing. Donating dollars to Dean does buy rounds for the Gun. But who is it aimed at - and who's pulling the trigger? I think we know. Let's load up the chamber.


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