Boulder Dean Rocks 'n' Rolls

Colorado for Dean and Dean National Chris Cypser got some excellent publicity for Howard Dean and their local efforts in Boulder, Colorado:
It's not surprising to hear Dean devotees wax enthusiastic about their candidate. But Boulder resident Hillary Hall, the chair of the Boulder County Democrats...confirmed that Dean enjoys the strongest support in Boulder County [with 300 volunteers signed up...and] Dean is in the lead. Hall agrees with Cypser and [Jennifer] Shumar that Dean is galvanizing people who were previously uninterested in politics. "I would say Howard Dean is getting people out of their chairs and participating," she said. "The people who are participating (for Dean) are new faces to me." [...]

"The true root of Howard Dean's support is simple — he's a leader to the core," Cypser said. "He states exactly what he believes and doesn't mince words or swing back and forth as the polls change from week to week."


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