Yepsen: Dean's Caucus Elixir has a Dash of Carter's Recipe

David Yepsen, the political columnist at the Des Moines Register wrote this story on Gov. Dean's campaign effort in Iowa. He even goes as far to write on the subject that we all hope for: victory.
A Dean win? An upset of front-runners Richard Gephardt and John Kerry? It could happen. Early polling in Iowa shows Dean in third place and closing in on those leading rivals. No other candidate shows his kind of forward motion. Polls show Dean has come farther in Iowa than any of his rivals.

Yepsen also observes something that many of us have experienced first hand - the governor's ability to reach out, attract, and excite new people. He has the ability to bring new people into the political system. This is not only needed in the primary, but in the general election as well.
New people. One trait of winning caucus campaigns has been an ability to attract new people to the caucus process. Whether it was George McGovern and the anti-Vietnam War folks or Pat Robertson and the evangelicals, inspiring new voters to turn out is a key to doing well. In Carter's case, he attracted a lot of teachers and rural folks who'd not been involved in presidential politics.


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