Transcript of Dean's Iowa Ad

Via ABC's The Note, here is a transcript of Dean's ad in Iowa that debuts tomorrow:

They feature a simple, medium shot of a white-shirted Dean in front of what appears to be a very powerful tractor, some hay, and a barn.

"I'm Howard Dean. It's time for the truth."

He steps forward.

"Because the truth is that George Bush's foreign policy isn't making us safer."

"His tax cuts are ruining our economy and costing us jobs, and too many Democrats in Washington are afraid to stand up for what we believe in."

Cue the zoom.

"Well I believe it's time to put our people back to work. To provide health insurance for every American. A time for Democrats to be Democrats again. That's why I'm running for President."

"That's why I [a]pprove this message. I'm Howard Dean, and it's time to take our country back."

It wouldn't be The Note without some snarky comments about Dean's delivery style, but they do admit it's an effective ad. The campaign also promises it on Howard Dean.TV for those of us not in Iowa.


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