Read My Lips

Thomas Friedman has an interesting article in the NYT today, that introduces the term "neoliberals" for the kind of Democrat that can beat Bush:

I don't think Democrats can win the presidency with a single issue. You win the presidency by connecting with the American people's gut insecurities and aspirations. You win with a concept. The concept I'd argue for is "neoliberalism." More Americans today are natural neolibs, than neocons. Neoliberals believe in a muscular foreign policy and a credible defense budget, but also a prudent fiscal policy that balances taxes, deficit reduction and government services.

Howard Dean isn't mentioned even once by name, but his presence and his stand on the issues pervades every paragraph. It's so Dean-centric and resonates so strongly with Dean's approach to reframing the debate that I have to wonder if he is being deliberately coy.


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