
Several months ago, a little internet company named Meetup emailed us and asked for a brief plug on the DeanBlog. The rest is history. Meetup has transformed Dean's campaign in exactly the way that the resident visionary (Joe Trippi, happy birthday!) predicted - the potential for teh Internet to radically alter politics is profound and still remains barely tapped.

Let me introduce konspire2b - a content distribution system that essentially turns the classical napster/kazaa p2p model on its head. Rather than specifying search terms and waiting for search results, then opening a connection and trying to download a file, you actually "subscribe" to a content channel and the content is delivered automatically to you. The main page has a clear and concise explanatory chart of how it works.

The point is, that this is essentially a file-sharing blog system - with unlimited bandwidth (if you're more interested in the technical discussion, see the Slashdot article).

This is a revolutionary tool for a political campaign for distributing content. Some of teh files that could be sent out over the KonspireForAmerica channel might be:

  • Meetup host materials
  • audio files of Dean stump speeches
  • photos from events
  • large PDF files for mass printing
  • Word and Excel forms and documents
  • Dean-inspired music
  • video files

Note that this service would completely supercede the existing proprietary software requirements of HowardDean.TV - the konspire client fits on a floppy disk, uses HTML as its user interface, and runs on all operating systems and all web browsers. The HTML GUI means that the channel and the new BlogForAmerica could even be integrated into a single service.

This is a revolutionary model for campaign distribution of content. Its bleeding edge technology, but if the campaign embraces and supports the technology, it could be as mutually beneficial a relationship as the arrangement with Meetup. And it has the same potential to amplify the power of Dean's message, and the unity and organization of the netroots.


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