Dean and Religion

By request, a thread linked to an article on religion and the Democratic presidential race. The article does not mention Dean, but the issue is relevant to his candidacy as well.

UPDATE (Aziz): the author of the article notices the open thread. Her comment is insightful and points out a real weakness that Democrats have to overcome - hostility to religion from the far left. Excerpt:

First of all, the article does not recommend Democrats pander to Christians (or any religious group, for that matter), but urges them to draw connections between policies they already endorse and concerns that religious individuals already hold. Secondly, way to miss the entire point of my argument, Dean supporter. "Those who cling to the mythologies of the Middle Ages while ignoring the reason of the modern secular society"??? Hmm, I wonder why it is that many religious individuals don't feel at home in the Democratic Party.

You can count on the GOP exploiting this hostility in the primaries.


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