The CW Starts to Shift

We're seeing the titanic shift of the conventional wisdom from "Dean can't win" to "Dean will win." There were two small but significant events yesterday (besides the phenomenal Austin rally.) First, Hardball's Chris Matthews predicted on Charlie Rose that Dean will get the nomination. Second, Lou Dobbs on CNN's Moneyline quoted Dean in the exchange below.
DOBBS: This is reaching what Howard Dean is really putting in stark epic proportions, saying that this is bigger than Watergate. What do you think?

JAMES WOOLSEY, FMR. CIA DIRECTOR: Oh, I think that's ridiculous, Lou. People need to stand back a little bit and look at the facts here ....
The facts are, Mr. Woolsey, that John Dean (the Watergate guy, no relation to Howard) has written"To put it bluntly, if Bush has taken Congress and the nation into war based on bogus information, he is cooked." And Ho-Ho is the man heating up the oil in the skillet.


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