Daily Kos Questions DLC's Sanity, Stability

RonK, posting over at the Daily Kos, has made our feelings about the DLC look, well, downright moderate.

Here's some of what he has to say:

DLC Detonates Dirty Bomb
It's time to pick up my trusty flame-thrower. The DLC -- or at least the DLC's biggest full-time spokesmouths -- has outdone the worst its many detractors could have imagined.
DLC launched an unwarranted, unfounded, overwrought, sorry-assed attack on a contending candidate ... a candidate whose record and platform are not inconsistent with DLC principles ... a candidate who clearly appeals to many grassroots DLC supporters and DLC-affiliated elected officials ... a candidate who has a lot of regular people excited about the next election.

Why take this shot, thinly disguised as an exploration of ideas? Maybe for the perceived advantage of a perceived DLC favorite. Maybe as a bid for the spotlight. Maybe Howard Dean scored too uncomfortably well in DLC focus groups. Maybe it was "just one of those things" that happens on "just one of those days".

No matter what possessed it, DLC leadership has gone over the hill and fragged its own camp on the way out. There's plenty of room for New Democrats. Is there still room for the DLC, and DLC candidates? That's not so clear. The DLC has soiled itself badly, and it's up to their leaders to clean up the mess and convince us they won't do it again.

From what I know, Ron has not endorsed Dean. This is anger from a Democrat who thinks the DLC crossed the line, which they did. And his whole post is worth reading. As he says, New Democrats are part of the coalition. The real question is, after a stunt like this, will they allow the DLC to represent them?


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