TNR - Letter to the Editor: Dean has Depth

Doug Busk of Atlanta, Georgia has a terrific letter in The New Republic:

Mad campaign

Governor Howard Dean has consistently represented his position on Iraq in multiple appearances and interviews (Ryan Lizza, "Front Load," February 24). While slightly more complicated than other candidates' outright support or opposition to the war, it is nonetheless a clear and easily understood position. Is it necessarily disingenuous of Dean to frontload his opposition to the war as opposed to the more nuanced requirements for the terms under which he would support one? Or is the opposition the other candidates feign outside the Senate chambers, while still voting to grant the president a blank check for action, even more so? TNR has a responsibility to present the facts as they stand: Governor Dean has consistently held a position of opposing the war on Iraq while indicating the terms under which he might be forced to resort to it. And isn't that the type of depth we want in a president?


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