GOP Already Gunning for Dean

OK, OK... so this is the Washington Post, not really a GOP staffer or scribe. Still, this storyline is emerging, and it's safe to say it's probably not by accident. The GOP would love to simply pigeon-hole Dean as the "pacifist" candidate... a true dove... Which he really is not. This is a testament to Dean's emerging status as a major contender in the Democratic primaries. Basically, the GOP is already so worried about Dean that they're planting the over-simplified version of Dean's position on the war in Iraq with reporters. Today's Washington Post had this analysis:

"Republicans vs. Democrats: The GOPers want to paint the Dems as the party of Howard Dean, weak on national defense, compared to a Republican president who has now whipped two despotic regimes. The Democrats' liberal wing says Bushie, Rummy & Wolfy used the anger over 9/11 to demonize the Iraqi regime as part of a grand plan to take out Syria and Iran as well – and besides, the economy still stinks."

I hope that the Democrats are the party of Howard Dean because not only is he right on the war in Iraq, but he's been saying for months that America must engage (not ignore) North Korea. When North Korea goes nuclear on this President's watch it will be a huge trump card for the Democrats next year.

What all the pundits and the journalists (and, of course the right wing) miss in all this is that "being strong" doesn't mean you go around bombing third rate powers. This war is the equivalent of the NFL playing the pee-wee league, and the Bush administration knows it. Dean has clearly outlined a strong multilateral foreign policy, and a strong defense policy that reserves the right to use force. I will sleep much better at night knowing that Dean is in the White House.

Letters to the editor at the Washington Post may be directed to:


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