YOU interview Howard Dean

Thanks to reader Ken Manz for pointing out: - don't visit the URL, it just puts huge pop-ups all over your screen and tries to sell you bibles. But it's clear that Dean's candidacy (and the Dean Blog particularly) has attracted enough attention that it's now become worthy of parasitic typo-traffic.

With our candidate himself posting to this blog, we have verification that we have been an asset to Dean's campaign. We drive an immense amount of traffic to the campaign website, and especially to the online donations page (as Dean himself confirmed to Anna some weeks ago). In a way, this blog is a true partnership between politicians and the electorate, in a way that hasn't been possible since the early days of the Republic.

Remember what partnership means. Our self-organizing fundraising, war-room analysis, and real-time feedback is our responsibility to our candidate. Dean's reciprocal responsibility to us, is to represent us and act in our interests, and that of the nation. Therefore, it is important that we are given a chance to express ourselves, so that Dean is aware of what his supporters' issues and concerns are. And again, this blog can address that role.

So, I propose the first DeanBlog Interview. If you have a question for Dean, on an issue that he has not addressed in his stump speeches or on his campaign website, or a general question on other topics (be it personal, philosophical, - whatever) - post it in the comments thread of this post. Dean critics welcome! As Dean is running to be their president, too.

After we have collected a fair number of questions, we will make a new post asking readers to vote on the assembled questions, and then submit the 15 highest-rated ones to the campaign (and post them publicly).

During the NPR interview, Dean asked reporters, "it all going to be just Iraq, Iraq, Iraq?" but got no answer. I think we can do better, especially with a candidate that is so willing to actually ask.


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