Take the Million Dollar Meetup Challenge for Dean!

This idea started out of the New York Meetup... There are now almost 5,000 members signed up at Meetup.com for Howard Dean. March 31st is the end of the 1st quarter for FEC reporting. As you know, Dean has been getting great press but good press alone won't win the election.

The challenge is for all of us Meetup.com enthusiasts and netroots fans of Dean to raise a million dollars for Dean's candidacy by March 31st. Achieving such a goal would help Dean gain traction on all the press he's been getting. Achieving such a goal would also help bring larger donors in to the Dean campaign, and would secure Dean's position as a top tier candidate for the Democratic nomination. And by adding a penny to each donation, we'd demonstrate to the FEC and the press the power of internet activism.

A million bucks, though? How do we reach that?

If every one of the 5,000 people who have signed up for Meetup or joined a Yahoo group for Howard Dean took it upon themselves to donate the cost of an average movie($10.00), and ensure that 10 friends do the same, then we will have raised $500,000 for the campaign. Since Federal campaign laws match every dollar raised under the $250.00 level, that's $1,000,000 right there.

I think we can do it. And we can demonstrate the power of grassroots internet activism by adding a penny for the internet. Go over to www.deanforamerica.com and make a $10.01 contribution today. Then forward this message on to 10 people and encourage them to to do the same. Or, print up some of the contribution forms and have your friends fill them out. Just be sure that your friends follow up by March 31st!

This could really work. But only if you do it! Please pass this message along, post it, print it up, hand it out. Take the Million Dollar Meetup Challenge for Dean!


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