Message from Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

On the eve of the 3rd Dean Meetup, as we break the 10,000 mark for the number who have signed up to Dean's Meetup (10010 have signed up as I write this), a hearty 'thank you' comes our way by Dr Dean:

"I was blown away by the March 5th Meetup in New York City. When I got out of the car, and saw hundreds of people lined up outside the Essex Lounge, and walked inside to find hundreds more, I felt—in a direct, powerful way—the awesome force of the Internet. After that Meetup, I knew we could take back the White House.

Journalists love to speculate about which candidates are doing well in the “invisible primary.” Long before Iowa and New Hampshire, pundits like to think they can assess who will do well in the elections by who is raising the most money. But there is another primary that is only invisible to those who are blind to seeing it. Its place of power is on the Internet, where people who never before had a voice this early in a campaign can speak up and demand honesty and fearless leadership from the Democratic Party, and self-organize around common ideas and ideals to take our country back.

One invisible primary is about money and posturing for position.

Our movement is about taking a stand, and giving people a reason to vote.

To the nearly 10,000 people who have joined our cause, and signed up for the April 2nd Meetup, I give you my thanks. Because of you we are building a nationwide campaign that will surprise the pundits, the other campaigns, and ultimately George W. Bush. And together we will take our country back."

Thank you,

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.


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