A Message from Gov. Dean to the Dean blog community

If ever there was a doubt in your mind that grassroots activism isn't appreciated, allow me to erase those doubts. I was scanning through the site comments this morning, and look what I found posted under the "Meetups Report" thread:

Thanks to all of you for your energy and your help. Raising money in small dollar amounts (all matchable from the FEDS) and getting the name and record out now is exactly what we need to be doing. I can't tell you how helpful this is. Many many thanks, Howard Dean
P.S. And a special thanks to all of you went to the New York meet-up last week. It truly was incredible. I'll try to get to another one in April.
Howard Dean | Email | 03.09.03 - 10:50 pm | #

A check of the IP address confirmed its authenticity. And in classic fashion, the Governor typoed his email address. Considering he posted that comment late at night, I think we can forgive him for that one. ;^)

My point in posting this is to encourage you to keep up the hard work. Your efforts are not going unnoticed, and in fact they are appreciated. With your help, we can continue to build on the positive media coverage and attract more donations. With your help, we can build a better Democratic Party, one that's not afraid to stand up for progressive values, and one that won't keel over and play Republican during the next election cycle. With your help, we can win this race and take back the White House. With your help, we can change the party, change America, and ensure a brighter future. My sincerest thanks go to the Dean blog community. I am so grateful that you've shown so much enthusiasm, and it helps me personally to know there are so many folks out there who feel the way I do: that we are heading in the wrong direction, and that it's not too late to change our path. Thank you so much, everyone!


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