Dean Will Continue to Speak Out

Gov. Dean has clarified his position on war with Iraq if, and when, the United States should engage in a military conflict with that nation. He has forcefully suggested that he will support our troops and wish them success - but continue to challenge the Bush Administration on its strategy in Iraq. He has said he will also continue to speak out against the administration's policy on North Korea, and its failure to open bilateral talks with that nation as it attempts to build a nuclear arsenal.

This is a big step for the campaign and will help to reassure those who fear that once war breaks out that there will be no candidate speaking out against the Bush Administration. This may also help to continue setting Dean apart from the rest of the field.

"It is our patriotic duty to say to the president, 'We wish our troops well. We hope they get home safely and soon, but Mr. President, we think this war is a mistake," Dean told a gathering of Democrats.

One woman in New Hampshire summed up how many of us feel about this campaign, and its gathering momentum:

Barbara Miles of Manchester said she came to the event because she had seen a C-SPAN broadcast Sunday night of Dean's speech Saturday to the California Democratic Party convention.

"At the end of the speech, he had me standing up cheering in my own living room," said Miles. Dean's anti-war speech drew wild applause from the 1,800 California activists at the convention.


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