Dean: President Bush "putting us in harms way" via reckless foreign policy

Our current "regime" is determined to attack Iraq regardless of reality, while they are ignoring more pressing issues such as the crisis on the Korean peninsula. Yesterday Dean launched another blistering critique of the Bush "foreign policy": "It's appalling. They are putting us in harm's way because of their obsession with Iraq, which does not now and is not going to have nuclear weapons."

Our candidate went on to detail what he sees as serious failures on the Korean peninsula. He stated that Bush's refusal to engage North Korea directly has caused the crisis to worsen, especially considering that North Korea is about to "go nuclear" on Bush's watch. "We could find ourselves in a war with North Korea very quickly and this administration is virtually paying no attention to it."

The good doctor also pointed out that recent diplomatic failures are contributing to rising anti-American sentiment across the globe, and added "It's ghastly. We have treated most of the world with contempt, both our enemies and our friends, and it's not surprising we don't have many friends left."

The article ends on a positive note, with Dean stating that fundraising is going very well during this first quarter. However, the campaign still needs your help! This first quarter is crucial because it will probably determine who the true "Tier 1" candidates are. Please consider making a donation to the Dean campaign now if you support him. It's important to give him financial backing and show the DNC establishment that we believe Dean is the man to take on Bush and WIN!


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