's Howard Dean discussion board

The good people behind have a section of their message board which is dedicated to discussing the current contenders. In the Dean section (linked above) there are mostly positive reviews, and some posters have expressed their gratitude over HD acknowledging that Gore was robbed in 2000. Granted, there are some concerns (not everyone gels with his handgun stance, for example), but again, mostly positive comments are coming from that camp.

To the good folks at AlGore04: I honestly don't think that Al is going to run, but I admire you all for your tenacity. I completely agree and acknowledge the fact that Bush is a squatter in the White House, and Gore was the winner in 2000. I am sure you'd find similar sentiment among Dean's supporters. As a Dean supporter, I'd really like the pro-Gore folks to come on board or at least consider supporting Dr. Dean (because again, I don't believe Al is going to jump in at this point). I think that Howard will champion and respect the issues that you hold dear (such as the environment, technology, and the economy), and I do believe that he is the only one who will not give Bush any wiggle room during the debates.


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