McCain acknowledges Dean

In an article which focuses on Senator John McCain's opposition to Bush environmental policies, there's a quote from the Senator which acknowledges Dean:

McCain, who loves causing a political stir, shrugs off any perception that he is a disloyal Republican. "I'd like to check with Howard Dean to see if he has any ideas perhaps in the medical area," he said mischievously, referring to the former Vermont governor, a physician, who also is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination.

Take it any way you want, but the bottom line is that Dean isn't flying under the radar anymore. For someone like McCain (whom many have compared Dean to) to even acknowledge his existence really says something about the threat Howard poses to the Republican establishment. His momentum has continued to build as more people are exposed to his message. This was evident at the DNC's winter meeting, which Aziz blogged about directly below this post. At one point, Dean took the stage to chants of "Howard, Howard!" (I've linked that in the comments section of Aziz's post)

*thanks to Christopher Curtis for the link*

UPDATE: added the direct quote. Also, check out this old post on the DeanBlog for more on Dean and McCain, as well as a truly horrendous pun :) Also see this old Slate article about the Men Who Would be McCain --Aziz


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