Dean to attend NYC Meetup

Dr. Dean is scheduled to attend the March 5th Meetup in New York! The New York Meetup is the second-largest group after Washington DC, with 92 supporters, so this will be a very exciting opportunity for Dean to see for himself just how strong his netroots are.

William Finkel, who has done a lot of important legwork in getting the Dean Meetup infrastructure setup, writes:

I think the fact and manner in which Dean has embraced Meetup reflects his commitment to grassroots, community and technology. All the candidates are aware of our service, but Governor Dean, personally, understands what we can do. What we can do is exemplified by what our chapters have done; create self-organized, autonomous field units that will be prepared to support the Governor, however he needs, whenever he needs them.

True! The only difference being, that Dean has 1590 supporters signed up, whereas Kerry and Edwards have 499 and 298, respectively (as of this writing). Dean has pledged to try and attend as many Meetups as possible, so it is clear that he understands and appreciates his netroot support. Show yours by attending your regional meetups, and you just might see Dean there too :)

Also, I would like to re-iterate the call for regional Dean groups to post their URL in the sidebar coments, so I can continue to update the list. And, don't forget to get your Dean gear from the DeanShop to wear at the meetup, especially bumper stickers!


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