Working hard... for you!

By popular demand, Aziz has created a bumper sticker which prominently features the official Dean campaign website address!
Click on the link to see the new sticker, then take a few moments to browse the rest of the products. Buy now and buy often!

UPDATE (by Aziz) : I'd just like to make a note, that merchandise from the Dean store is NOT the best way to contribute financially to the Dean campaign. If you want to support Dean, the best way is to contribute money directly to Dean, not to cafepress. The Dean merchandise is important, in that it helps raise Dean's profile and gets the word out - which is essential to Dean's campaign (because it broadens the pool of potential contributors!). And items like Dean 2004 bumper stickers are critical in helping to build that critical mass which Dean will need to conquer Iowa and NH and ultimately, the nomination.

But, if you have a fixed budget, and have to choose between buying a bumper sticker or sending three bucks to Dean's campaign, donate, don't buy. Dean will benefit more from the direct donation than he will from the sticker show of support. Right now it's crunch time for his campaign.

Of course, if you can afford it, please do buy Dean merchandise (especially Dean 2004 bumper stickers). Dean needs all the help he can get, and the stickers are a powerful way to build his "brand". I just wanted to clarify the priorities, however, not scare you away from buying Deanstuff :)


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