Gary Hart in the race?

Gary Hart has announced his deliberations regarding a run for President in 2004 (Can't these guys just say, "I'm running", and be done with it?) By all accounts, Hart is an intelligent man, but given that he has been off the stage for 20 years, his stance on the various issues is almost totally unknown. They have set up a campaign website, however, and he is attracting attention. How this factors into Dean's candidacy is anyone's guess (feel free to speculate wildly on the Dean Forum! :)

The Washington POst has a short piece on Hart's decision, revealing him to have a sense of humor:

Hart's Web site describes him as "a new elder statesman" and his Web biography lists his background as a "prolific author, lecturer, teacher, scholar and attorney." But the event that ended Hart's 1988 presidential run is not mentioned – his romantic involvement with a young model named Donna Rice.

Hart, who practices international law in Denver, has been married for 44 years.

When Hart was asked earlier this month how he would answer questions about the Rice episode, he laughed and said: "Maybe it won't come up."


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