Dean Defense Forces: RNC talking points

by way of Hesiod, this is a link to the Republican National Committee's talking points on Dean. Essential reading for the Dean Defense Forces. Note the resurgence of the "ultra liberal" theme that I mentioned in my earlier post. Here are some of the major points:

If Elected President, Dean Would Honor Civil Unions As A Matter Of National Policy

"'As president of the United States, I will recognize civil unions, which will then allow full equality under the law as far as the federal government is concerned,' Dean said in a speech to the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association convention in Philadelphia." (Ross Sneyd, "Dean Would Recognize Civil Unions As President," [Barre-Montpelier] Times Argus, September 14, 2002)

Note how the implication is that Dean would force civil unions on et rest of the country, when Dean's actual quote was that this is an issue for states and that the federal government would not interfere (as the quote clearly attests!)


The Centerpiece Of Governor Dean's Presidential Platform Is Budget-Busting Universal Health Care.

Dean Has Said He Would Repeal Most Of President Bush's Tax Cut In Order To Fund His National Health Insurance Program. "Dean not only advocates universal health insurance but also tells audiences that Vermont already has moved in that direction. . . . How to pay for this? Simple, says Dean. Roll back virtually all of President Bush's tax cut of 2001 . . . ." (David S. Broder, "For '04 Run, A Walk In Carter's Shoes," The Washington Post, July 12, 2002)

Here they are equating Dean's incremental approach to health care with the Hillary Plan, and ignoring all mention of the success of teh Dr. Dynasaur plan upon which Dean's proposed plan would be modeled. Also, they claim that Bush's tax cut is "mainstream" - synonymous with "richest 5%" in their usage.

There is much more detail on these and other issues (including his critique of teh education billo, which has even been attacked by other conservatives).

Dean MUST find a clear way to articulate his defense from these charges in tiny soundbites, or he is absolutely toast. This is a mortal threat. And that's where we, the Dean Defense Forces, come in. DDF regulars, please respond in the comments thread below with your suggestions for Deanbites.

Hilariously, one of their points is that Dean is "at odds with fellow Democrats".


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