Vermont Public Radio Impact Series: Vermont and the Presidency

Vermont Public Radio ran a 5-part radio series from Dec. 17 - 21 focused on Howard Dean's presidential run in the context of Vermont history and influence on national politics. The five part series is also available online. Here is the excerpt and direct links to transcripts and audio from the VPR website:

Gov. Howard Dean believes he has a message and possibly a mission. He's considering whether to mount a bid for the country's highest office. The possibility raises many issues that are explored by Vermont Public Radio in the week-long series, "Vermont and the Presidency."

The series looks at the governor as a "new kind" of Democrat. It considers viewpoints from New Hampshire, where Dean could have significant name recognition. VPR examines the monumental fund-raising effort that would have to occur. And the series will look at the two Vermonters who did become president as well as the role of the Vermont mystique.

Part One: Exploration Governor Howard Dean sets up PAC to cover travel while he explores the possibility of a run for president. Bob Kinzel reports. Read the transcript or listen online.

Part Two: New Hampshire Steve Delaney looks at a possible Dean candidacy from the Granite State point of view. Read the transcript or listen online.

Part Three: Fundraising John Dillon examines the challenge Governor Dean would face in raising the money needed for a national campaign. Read the transcript or listen online.

Part Four: Past Presidents John Van Hoesen looks at the two Vermonters who have been president. Read the transcript or listen online.

Part Five: The Vermont Mystique Steve Zind sets out to discover how Vermont's image might affect a Dean candidacy. Read the transcript or listen online.

Vermont mystique?


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