Dean polls ahead of Edwards

A Marist poll shows that Edwards now polls behind Howard Dean - indicating that the crowded field of Democratic clones is an advantageous playing field for a candidate like Dean who is actually memorably different. Gore and Kerry still lead the pack, and Dean has yet to break out of single digits:

The telephone poll of 425 registered Democrats and independents was conducted from Dec. 2 to Wednesday and has a sampling error margin of plus or minus 5 percentage points.

Gore, the former vice president, has said he will announce in January if he will again seek the Democratic presidential nomination. Kerry has formed an exploratory committee to boost his candidacy.

Among other potential Democratic contenders, only Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, Gore's runningmate two years ago, was in double digits in the new poll, with 10 percent.

The poll found Vermont Gov. Howard Dean favored by 6 percent of potential primary voters, Rep. Richard Gephardt of Missouri at 5 percent, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota at 3 percent, Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina at 2 percent and the Rev. Al Sharpton of New York at 1 percent.

Fourteen percent were undecided.

the real tests will be New Hampshire and Iowa, and Dean is not only the sole declared Presidential candidate, he is the only one who has been doing serious legwork at the grassroots level.


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