"A Miniscule Operation"

Besides lacking name recognition (which, I flatter myself, this site my help resolve) a major obstacle that seems to face Dean is his related lack of money. This description of the Dean machine seems to bare out the thesis that he's hurting for cash:

Dean accomplished all this with a miniscule organization.  Kate O'Connor, who serves as Dean's secretary of civil and military affairs and has run past Dean campaigns, oversaw the presidential effort on a part-time volunteer basis.  A junior from Seton Hall University started as a full-time volunteer in mid-May 2002.  Veteran Democratic consultant Joe Trippi, whose experience includes work on the presidential campaigns of Edward Kennedy, Walter Mondale, Gary Hart and Richard Gephardt, and his partner Steve McMahon have been the Governor's media consultants for the past five elections; they continue to advise Dean and would likely continue working with him in the event he decides to make a run.

Normally, I take it, unpaid student interns don't rate a mention as key players on a presidential campaign.


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