MetaFilter discussion - Veep McCain?

This MeFi discussion is interesting, and may be worth adding your own two cents to (especially since Haloscan seems to have crashed and I've been forced to disable the comments. BTW, I'm working on getting a forum added to the page).

The most intriguing idea raised by this MeFi thread is the possibility of a Dean/McCain ticket. I think McCain would make a fantastic vice president, and the two would go extremely well together (esp since some of McCain's staff from 2000 have already joined Dean). And think of the advantage and huge publicity, especially in declaring the joint ticket so far in advance! Remember the "veepstakes" nonsense last time after the conventions? By deciding the veep this far in advance, I think they can really make a solid entrance and steal a LOT of the others' thunder.

They could even call themselves the Supermen :)


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