As assessment of Dean by those who've worked with him during his tenure as governor

This seems to be a pretty balanced article. It includes commentary from both Democrats and Republicans who've worked with Dean since he took public office. There are both positives and negatives included in the article, which leads me to believe this is the fairest assessment I've read so far.

A sample of the negative, from Joe Acinapura, chair of the Vermont Republican Party: "He didn't do anything to reduce the regulatory burden."
A sample of the positive, from Con Hogan (a Republican, I might add - Anna), Dean's former Secretary of Human Services: "We had some beautiful arguments, and that's one of the neat things about this guy; he could push you to the wall behind closed doors, absolutely, and I had the privilege of being able to do the same. But the neat thing was that once that was over you never look back; neither party ever looked back. It was always looking forward."

Hmmm, looking forward - what a concept. =)


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