ABC 2004: The Invisible Primary

The ABC Political Unit always comes up with interesting information about the 2004 contenders, here's what they say about Dean today:

In case you missed last Saturday's Capitol Gang, Service Employees International Union chief Andy Stern told Al Hunt that Howard Dean is "making the most waves" for union people, "and basically because he's talking about universal health care … This is going to be a campaign about issues, and I think Howard Dean's taken a good start on it."

Take heed, as Stern's union is the biggest in the country.

Speaking of labor, Dean gets a "by the way" nod from the Manchester Union-Leader's reporter at the New Hampshire AFL-CIO Labor Day breakfast. "Dean, who is considering a run for the Presidency, told attendees that President Bush's tax cut had sent the economy into a tailspin because it wasn't directed at the right people."

Here's the quote from the NH Paper: Democrats court labor at AFL-CIO breakfast

Even Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont attended the event. Dean, who is considering a run for the Presidency, told attendees that President Bush’s tax cut had sent the economy into a tailspin because it wasn’t directed at the right people.

He also told attendees that he would work for universal health care if he was elected President, saying that Democrats will learn from “Harry and Louise.”

Harry and Louise were a fictional couple prominently featured in advertisements condemning the Democrats’ last push for socialized medicine, which took place early in President Clinton’s first term.

Dean also noted that all three Democratic congressional candidates are women.

“It is going to be a delight, after this November, to find that Judd Gregg is no longer going to be able to caucus with the New Hampshire delegation in the men’s room,” Dean said to cheers from the audience.


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