video: The Iowa Caucus speech - a reason for PRIDE

Remember something. For a month now the media has been full-bore against Dean, willingly receptive to smear stories fed to it by the RNC. But we were able to stand astride that onslaught, because we believed in what Dean actually said, as opposed to what was reported. We believed in what Dean actually stood for, as opposed to what was inferred by the pundits. We believed in Dean's actual record, as opposed to the hyperbolic spin from enemies across the political spectrum.

One loss in Iowa doesn't change any of that. What it did so was perhaps shake our confidence a bit, as it should. But in that moment of weakness, we probably let the media's continued onslaught penetrate past our defenses. But we have to remember, that the media coverage is as blatantly opposed to Dean as it ever was, and the rush to judgement about Dean's post-Iowa caucus rally speech has been the crown jewel of their efforts.

So watch the thing yourself. Dean starts to speak at 6 minutes in. And be armed with the truth again.

 Howard Dean Reaction to Iowa Caucus Results

Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean reacts to the results of the Iowa caucuses.
1/19/2004: DES MOINES, IA: 20 min.

That's a video that the official blog should be putting front and center, instead of trying to wish it away. There should be PRIDE about this video, especially in light of Joe Trippi's own words:

I’ve been around campaigns for a long time. On most campaigns, if you come in third in Iowa with 18% and you go to the after party, you’re lucky to find 4 people there. Most every one by the time it’s over has left to find another party and another campaign.

But on Monday night Howard Dean walked in to the ballroom in Des Moines and there were 3500 people there. And the energy was higher than most victory parties I’ve been to.

The Governor looked out at the room and saw 3500 people who had come from all across the country because they believed in changing their country and he wanted them to know how proud he was of them and their efforts. And he wanted them to know that we’re going on no matter what.

He wasn’t thinking about the cameras. It was the people right in front of him who had done so much because they believe in a better America that he was speaking to.

It's all about US, remember. And that's the energy we have to carry through into New Hampshire.


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